Helmet Mounts
Whether Neo, Piko, Wilma or Betty, we have the matching helmet holder for each lamp head.
The helmet mount
Our helmet holder cares for a tight fit on your helmet. The lamp head is fixed with two screws securely to the helmet holder. He is horizontally fully adjustable, without losing the grip while driving. Thanks to the low-lying center of gravity, the weight of the lamp is barely noticeable on your head.
Easy mounting
The assembly of the helmet holder is via Velcro straps that are threaded through the ventilation slots. If your helmet have no air vents - no problem: with the 3M Dual Lock holder or the Lupine GoPro adapter.
Reequip it
You can change your lamp from helmet, to headband or quick release easily. It is the same for GoPro or 3M Dual Lock.
Always select a helmet that meets the applicable safety standard when you use a helmet with a Lupine helmet mount. Always follow the helmet manufacturer's instructions on safe helmet use.